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During the year, we conduct individual adaptation classes for children starting their kindergarten adventure, which will allow them to enter the kindergarten's life in a gentle and natural way.

We choose the forms of work during adaptation individually in consultation with the Parent, because we know that each child has individual adaptation needs. During the adaptation period, parents can stay in the kindergarten together with their child. A psychologist also accompanies the adaptation process.

Thanks to the adaptation classes of children: can cope better with separation from their parents, gradually get used to the Kindergarten, get to know their teachers and peers

Adaptation classes allow parents to: getting to know the offer of the Kindergarten in more detail, learning about the rules that make it easier for children to start preschool, establishing cooperation with teachers in order to facilitate the adaptation process of children

Happy Hippo Kindergarten is open all year round, Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Day schedule

Before noon


Good morning kindergarten

is a time for free, creative activity of children, as well as integration games, independent or inspired by teachers.

Sport is healthy

Before breakfast, we organize physical activities: games with music with singing, dexterity exercises, general gymnastics and team games. In movement classes, we use the Pedagogy of Play - Klanz, Educational Kinesiology of Dr. Paul Denison, Movement for Development by W. Sherborne and the Method of Movement Story by J.F. Thulin.



We actively explore the world

Curriculum classes that implement the content of preschool education (speech, maths, art, singing, gymnastics): therapeutic classes with a speech therapist, English classes, Spanish language classes, corrective gymnastics, rhythmics. Creating opportunities for observation, experimenting and discovering, undertaking research and construction-technical games. Supporting creative activities through contact with art, music and literature

Garden games

Before lunch, children have time for free play and physical activities in our playground.



Lunch - the first course.


Rest time

Younger children can sleep during this time or participate in calming activities, during which we read books and listen to relaxing music. Older children: individual or team educational activities, program activities, movement games, skills development, games according to children's interests.

Lunch - second course


We develop our passions and talents

In the afternoon, in the kindergarten, children take part in selected workshop activities according to a weekly schedule. In their free time, children enjoy free play. In summer, these classes are held in the garden.

Evening dinner


We develop our passions and talents

This is the time for free, creative activity for children. We can play, play board games, draw, read books, as well as play in creative games inspired by each other by children or the teacher. workshop classes: art classes, orgies as well as classes developing the senses, perceptiveness and concentration.