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We recruit throughout the year. Our groups are waiting for children from 2.5 to 6 years old.

Children who start their adventure in kindergarten during the year can participate in adaptation classes. Thanks to them, it will be easier and more natural for them to enter the everyday life of the kindergarten. The method of the child's adaptation is selected individually in consultation with the parents. We are aware that each toddler has different adaptation needs. During the adaptation period, parents can stay with their children in the kindergarten. The whole process is also supported by a psychologist.

Adaptation classes help children: better deal with separation from parents, slowly get used to the kindergarten, meet peers and educators.

Adaptation classes help parents: get to know the kindergarten's offer better, learn the rules that will make it easier for children to start preschool, establish cooperation with teachers, facilitating the adaptation process for children.

Happy Hippo Kindergarten is open all year round, Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Day schedule

Before noon


Good morning kindergarten

It is a time of free, creative activity for children. Toddlers devote themselves to integration games, initiated by themselves or inspired by their educators.

Sport is healthy

Time for physical activities, i.e. playing with music with singing, dexterity exercises, team games and general development gymnastics. During our physical activities, we use the Pedagogy of Play - Klanz, Educational Kinesiology by Dr. Paul Denison, the Developmental Movement by W. Sherborne and the J.F. Thulin.



We actively explore the world

Program classes aimed at implementing pre-school education content (speech, singing, maths, art, gymnastic exercises), including: therapeutic classes with a speech therapist, English classes, Spanish language classes, corrective gymnastics, rhythmics. Observing, experimenting and discovering, as well as research and construction-technical games, creative activities - contact with art, music and literature.

Garden games

Free outdoor play and physical activities on the kindergarten playground.



Lunch - the first course


Rest time

During this time, younger children sleep or participate in calming activities (e.g. reading books, listening to relaxing music). On the other hand, older children can enjoy: individual or group educational activities, program activities, physical exercises, developing talents, and games in line with children's interests.

Lunch - second course


We develop our passions and talents

In the afternoon, children participate in selected workshop activities set according to the weekly schedule. In their free time, the little ones can enjoy free play. In summer, classes are usually held in the garden.

Evening dinner


We develop our passions and talents

Time devoted to the creative, free activity of children. Children can play, draw, read books and play board games. Children participate in games inspired by themselves or by their tutor. It is also time for activities developing the senses, perceptiveness, concentration and workshops, including artistic or origami.